on a small scale

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on a small scale

英 [ɔn ə smɔ:l skeil]

美 [ɑn e smɔl skel]

on a small scale基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 小规模地:on a level with 和...同一水准 | on a small scale 小规模地 | on account of 因为,由于

2. 小规模的:on a large scale大规模的 | on a small scale小规模的 | ahead of schedule提前

3. on a small scale在线翻译

3. 小法模地:to the point 切中要害,切题58595 | on a small scale 小法模地71672 | in demand 有要要,销路好85557

4. 小规模的, 小型的:ex-chief n. 前任首领, 前任领导 | 2.on a small scale 小规模的, 小型的 | accuse v. to say that someone has done wrong, or has broken the law 指控, 控告

  • 临近词
But biofuel technology began on a small scale, and grain surpluses were common.(但是生物燃料技术始于一个很小的规模,而那时谷物过剩却很常见。)
Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale.(该领域的实验已在进行,但是仅是小规模地进行。)
At present, the products have been listed on a small scale.(目前该产品已小规模上市。)
Set up a few market tests for your new ideas on a small scale.(对新构想进行小规模的市场测试。)
So much of life's drama happens on a very small scale.(小小的躯体里,居然上演着着如此伟大的生命之剧。)
Geo-engineering has been shown to work, at least on a small localised scale.(地质工程已被证明是有效的,至少在一个小的局部范围内。)
This paper presented a small scale power generation system based on the thermoelectric conversion principle.(阐述了采用电热转换方法测量电流的基本原理,介绍了利用电热带和热电阻构成的传感器。)
On such a small scale, what kind "businessmen" responsibility is this?(小打小闹算什么“企业家”的责任?)
He's in business on a small scale.(他做的是小本生意。)
Experiments have already been done in this case but only on a small scale.(实验已做了在这种情况下,只是小规模的。)
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